MY FAVORITES({{collectCount}})
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{{carCount}} ITEMS
$: {{parseFloat(new Decimal(item.sales).mul(new Decimal(item.price))).toFixed(2)}}
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Privacy Policy

Intellectual Property

Privacy Policy All copyright and other intellectual property rights subsisting in the Site and its contents, including without limitation all text, images, graphics and code contained in the Site, and inits look and feel (collectively, the "Contents") are owned by the Company or members of its group of companies, or by third-party providers. Except where otherwise specified, you may view, copy and print the Contents only for your own use, provided that all copies and print-outs of the Contents bear the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers displayed on them on the Site. The Company reserves the right, but has no obligation, to change the Contents at any time.

Other than as specified above, neither the Site nor any of its Contents may be modified or copied in whole or part in any form, including by framing, incorporation into other websites or other publication, or be used to create any derivative work. No links to the Site may be included in any other website without the Company's prior written permission. None of the Company's nor any of its group companies' trade marks may be used without the Company's prior written permission. The Company reserves all its rights in such trademarks.


The Site may use cookies to store both your personal and non-personal information. "Cookies" are small text files a website may use to recognize repeat visitors, facilitate the visitor’s ongoing access to and use of the website, and allow the website to track the visitor’s behavior and compile aggregate data for content improvements. By using the Site, you agree to the Company's use of cookies.

Data Use

The Company will not collect any personally-identifiable information about you through your use of the Site unless you provide that information voluntarily by contacting the Company at or otherwise through the Site. The Company will use any information so provided only to correspond with you about the matter in connection with which you provide it. The Company will retain that information, including related correspondence for its records. The Company will not disclose that information to any unaffiliated third party unless legally required to do so or where necessary to address the subject matter of that correspondence, and may transfer that information outside the Russian Federation or the European Economic Area, including to countries that have a lesser standard of data protection than those within them. By submitting your personal information to the Company by e-mail to or otherwise through the Site, you agree to the Company's use of such information.